Preaching Matters.
It matters big time. In fact, in many ways the future spiritual health and maturity of individuals, families, and congregations in North America and beyond is deeply connected to the health and overall vitality of the preaching taking place in our pulpits. Perhaps, now more than ever before, preaching matters. John Wesley once wrote,
“Give me 100 preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven upon earth.”
Talk about a vision and belief in the power of preaching! Wesley’s words were true in his generation just as they are in ours. Preaching mattered then and it matters now.
We want to help equip you as a faithful preacher of God’s Word. Below you will find some of the resources we have put out to help you grow as a Shepherd Preacher!
Shepherd Preaching Books
The Acoma Press books below represent our practical theology and corporate implementation strategy for Shepherd preaching.
Click on either book to learn more.
What kind of preaching do our churches need most?
As wonderful as many “big name” preachers are to learn from and listen to, there is nothing that can replace the ordinary, faithful preaching of a local pastor-shepherd. And for the care of his Church, the Lord not only cares about what is preached but how it is preached and who it is that preaches. In The Shepherd Preacher, Mark Hallock lays the biblical and theological foundation for the type of preaching that should mark the pulpit ministry of every local church pastor. This is the type of preaching that is God-centered, Christ-focused, and Spirit-empowered. This is the type of preaching that feeds and nurtures the unique flock put under a pastor’s charge, week in and week out, year in and year out.
This is God’s design for his Church. This is the joy of the shepherd preacher.
“How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14)
The concern of the Apostle Paul ought to be the concern of the Church today. While our seminaries play a vital role in the equipping and training of preachers to serve God’s people, the best place to raise up and develop preachers is and always has been the local church, in congregations just like yours! But, what does this look like? In these pages, Mark Hallock offers a simple pathway to help you begin developing shepherd preachers in your congregation.
You might be asking, “Can our church do this? Do we have the resources to pull something like this off?” The short answer is: Yes! This book will show you how.
Shepherd Preaching Seminar
Below is video content from the Shepherd Preacher seminar in 2018. In this seminar, Mark Hallock, Lead Pastor at Calvary Englewood in Englewood, CO, gives practical theological teaching and practical application on being a Shepherd Preacher, taken from his book, The Shepherd Preacher. Digital notes are also available below.